Selected Candidate List for Meeting

Founder's message

Dream the impossible dream, Reach for the unreachable star

Our FounderToday, we look back and wonder at the marvels that God has achieved through that little, yet dedicated bond of Sai Holy Faith Staff. Our consolidated effort of hardwork, dedicated service, cooperation and working together will make this reality repeat itself. The children of Sai Holy Faith High School will catch the value system of our education by our good example. Nothing happens overnight. I owe a debt of gratitude to my dear staff of teachers, we have grown as a result of putting our hearts, heads and hands together through the years of service. The good S.S.C results have been a result of day to day hard work in classroom, our teachers patience, their openness to learn and teach for the good of the child, their tireless service put into the co-curricular activities, the toil of their yesteryears has now flowered.

Today every resource of Sai Holy Faith High school is committed to steering young minds on the path of excellence and creativity. The blade that sharpen and horns to fine perfection, the nobler thought process, claims on all too important role in the development of a mind is, as yet tender in age and exposure. "Unless you learn to climb over rocks, wade through mud and stumble out of ruts your character and set of values, which are biggest assets you have going for you in life will never surface. Making it, is up to you." I express my gratitude to the office and supportive staff who are instrumental in the smooth functioning of the school.

I cannot forget my own parents who have given me all their support and encouragement, my family members and all those who have been my strength through all that happen in Sai Holy Faith High School.

I can only conclude by saying "God has really been good to me."

Mrs.B.Singh, Founder
