Selected Candidate List for Meeting

School Rules


On School day and at School Functions the students should be neatly dressed in the School Uniform.
The pattern must confirm with pattern prescribed.
Every child should have at least TWO seta of Uniforms.
Black Velcro shoes and socks must be worn daily. However during the monsoon, children should wear black velcro sandals.
Every student must have a P.T. Dress to be worn on Monday and Thursday.
A Student come to school without proper and complete uniform will be allowed in the classroom and may be sent home, in which case the school disclaims the responsibility.
Special attention must be paid to cleanliness of the hair, nails, teeth and shoes.
A student who is slovenly dressed may be excluded from the classroom and may be sent home.

1. All are expected to speak English in the school premises and the school compound.
2. Pupils should realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their conduct in the school but also for their general behaviour outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school on the part of the pupils should make them liable for disciplinary action (S.S. Code Sec. VIII,56). On their way to or from school the students must remember that the School is judged by their conduct. They should greet the Principal and the teachers of the school when they meet them outside. Misbehaviour in the street justifies dismissal.
3. Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence for more than a week, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable moral influence, above all discourtesy and disrespect to teacher are each a sufficient cause for dismissal.
4. A pupil who has been absent for more than three days at a stretch because of illness, is expected to bring a medical certificate before returning to school and inform the Principal in writing if the pupil is not likely to attend school for more than three days.
5. A student who has been absent from school, or is late for more than three times a month will not be admitted to class without the Principal’s signature. The perfects will sign the calendar for late attendance on other occasions.
6. At the first warning bell, all the pupils must fall in the line immediately for the assembly. At the second bell all will recite the prayers and move silently to the classroom.
7. The Monitors and Perfects of the school have the duty to uphold the good name of the school.
8. During the absence of the Teacher and Monitors and Prefects are responsible for the order and discipline of the class. If the teacher does not arrive in the classroom two minutes after the bell, the prefect should make enquiries in the Office.
9. When the students go for P.T. or move along the corridor or up and down the stairs changing classes they must walk in single file and in silence. The rule is “Keep Left”.
10. Every student is urged to contribute to the high tone of the school by his good manners and gentle conduct.
11. For the smooth running of the school any objects liable to prove a source of disturbance, e.g. crackers, water pistols, magazine or paper etc. if found in the possession of the students, make them liable for severe punishment. Running, Playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed.
12. Any damage done, in or around the school premises or to school property must be made god by the parent of the student responsible. It the offender is not discovered a collective fine may be imposed upon the entire class. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid is final.
13. Students leaving the premises of the school in the course of the day will have to take written permission from the Principal. Repeated defaulters are liable to be dismissed.
14. No student is allowed to remain in the classroom during Drill or Recess. Students from one class are not permitted to enter another class.
15. No student will be exempted from Physical Education (Drill) without a medical certificate which must be renewed every semester and countersigned by the Principal
16. No books, newspaper and periodicals may be brought into the school premises without the Principal’s sanction. Student’s found with obscene books or pictures in their possession or lending them to others are liable to be expelled from school.
17. Personal cleanliness is expected from all. The uniform must be clean and neatly pressed, shoes well polished, finger nails pared and hair trimmed and neatly arranged. Mehendi or tattoos are not permitted.
18. All should take an honest pride in keeping the school clean. Be very careful during the recess and do not litter the floor, the compound and roadside with papers, leaves, seeds etc. Please make use of the paper bins provided for the purpose
19. Every student must have a complete outfit prescribed by the school authorities.
20. The school does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, pens, money and so on. It is not advisable for the students to have large sums of money or other valuable ornaments or articles with them.
21. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started and no meeting, demonstration, party or picnic may be held without the previous permission of the Principal.
22. Presents to members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honor also require previous sanction of the principal.
23. Reports on conduct, application and progress are issued in the Progress Report Card and in the calendar from time to time. On the day after they are issued they have to be shown to the class teacher, duly signed and dated by the Parents and Guardians. The same holds good for the penance study record and other remarks. However, the signature of the Penance class teacher is to be shown together with the work done to the teacher concerned.

1. A Calendar month’s notice is to be given before the withdrawal of pupil, else the fees will be charged. Such notice should be given in writing by the person responsible for pupil, not by the pupil himself. Those who leave in April must pay their fees for April and May.
2. No Leaving Certificate is given until all sums due to the school are paid in full.

1. Railway concession forms are available at the office. Parents are requested to state in writing the age of the child and particulars of the journey.
2. According to the instructions received from the Railway Board, the school is expected to fill in the particulars on the form. Hence this may be handed over to the parents 2 to 3 days after the application has been made.
3. Parents are requested to foresee their journey and to apply for the concession forms well in advance. Last minute applications will not be accepted.
4. Railway concession forms will be issued only to those students, traveling after the official closing date of the school.

1. Fees will be collected from the 1st to the 14th of each month.
2. Fine of Rs. 10/- will be imposed on those paying fees after the 14th of the month.
3. The delay in payment – beyond two months renders a pupil liable to be struck off the rolls.
4. No deductions are made for vacation or for broken periods.
5. Pupils shall not be allowed to appear for the Tests or either of the semester Examinations unless all fees due are paid to date.
6. Fees for November must be paid along with the fees of October and the fees for May must be paid along with the fees for April.
7. Fees one paid will not be refunded.
8. The term fees are due in June and November.
9. If in consequence of no notice being given a student’s name is transferred at the close of the month to the class register of the following month, the fees for that month are due whether the student actually attended or not.
10. Fees should be paid to the staff members in charge of fees only. The school does not hold itself responsible fees are paid mistakenly or for the sake of convenience to any other member of the staff.
11. Fees will be received during the time reserved for the purpose only.
12. Fees of the Secondary Section will be collected at the beginning of the year. This will help both the parents and the office.

1. Regular attendance, good conduct and application down to the end of the year are indispensable conditions for obtaining any award or prize scholarship.
2. Withdrawal from school, absence for an examination or failure to pass in any examination, disqualifies a pupil from any prize or scholarship.
3. Failure in any subject debars a pupil from obtaining any award.
4. Should a pupil be debarred by the rules from obtaining any prize, the next pupil who fulfils the conditions is entitled to it?
5. The minimum requirement for obtaining an award for proficiency in any subject is 75% marks on the aggregate.
6. The word subject means the subject taken as a whole and not individual branches going to form the same.
7. Prizes are decided on the consolidated results of the first semester and second semester examinations and the Unit Tests held during the year.
8. The Prize-winners failing to be present at the prize Distribution without serious reason will forfeit their prizes.
